permits to calculate interpolated or extrapolated values for the active
statistical scheme and formulas.
Typed into "Argument(s)" edit control numerical values of arguments (if their have to be more then one for any particular scheme do separate them with space or comma letters). Push button "Ok" or press Enter key to calculate extrapolated or interpolated values for the active statistical scheme. For example for the curve fitting the values on the theoretical curves for the input argument all values visible curves will be calculated.
Note that only difference between interpolation and extrapolation is that first calculation is made for arguments inside of area covered with experimental data and extrapolation for outside range of tested values and meant to be used for prediction. As a matter of calculation procedures both of them absolute equivalent..
In case if mistakenly input of non-corresponding to the formula
number of arguments the corresponding "mistake message"
will appear instead of numerical result.
LeoDataAnalysis software application can calculate extrapolation also
for series of theoretical values for arguments that has to be presented
in the text (ANSI) file, one record per line with parameters
divided by separator letters) (in the same format as used for import data).
To calculate series of theoretical values user at first has to create
a file that contains arguments and then press button "Browse"
associated with edit control "From file" to select it
in the operation system of the computer. In the appeared dialog
box to chose exact number fields as number of arguments as is
in existing statistical scheme and press button "Ok" or
keyboard "Enter" key. LeoDataAnalysis will calculate
theoretical values for each statistical scheme (formula) and
write them in the output text file that must be selected in se
same manner as input one. . The name of the output file can be
edited in the "To file" edit box. Initially LeoDataAnalysis
software application will offer to create an output file with the name
repeating of input file plus "_Res" before ",txt"
extension. For example for "myFile.txt" default output name
is "myFile_Res.txt".
A result file will copy a content of input file plus add one
field of extrapolated values. In case of more then one statistical
scheme (theoretical curves for the case of one argument for example)
this will be repeated for each curve.
Data modeling.
There is also an option to sort of the results in the ascending (descending) order. One of the possible usage of this option is a data modeling for finding most statistically promising objects.
For example for the market research the problem can be formulated to find most
prospective customers on the base behavior of the existing. Let´s
presume that we have an file that contains information about
customers like their age, gender, income, family size considered
as arguments and value of their spending on our products. Importing
this file to the LeoDataAnalysis we probably will find a pronounced
correlation between all o some of parameters of customers and
their spending level.
If we have also a file contains a analogues information about potential customers. Using described above procedure we will obtaining file potential customers ranged by their potential of willingness to spend more money baying our product.