About LeoKrut

The primary business of LeoKrut is promotion of Dr. Leonid Sakharov life time work that includes but not limited to:

- experimental and theoretical research of crystal growth phenomena; high temperature superconductivity, theoretical strength of materials, plasma coating;

- algorithms and software development for data analysis, crystal growth modeling, image enchantment;

- essays about political and life issues and futurology.

-a novel about secrets of Red Terror in Russia in two languages English: "Backstage" and in Russian "Zakulisa"


Following software products of LeoKrut are available for commercial use:

LeoDataAnalysisLink to LeoDataAnalysis.

Data visualization, statistical analysis and modeling software. Scientific and educational software application LeoDataAnalysis is targeted for the broadest range of customers from students till scientists and data analysts.
It has very mild limits on the size of data to operate.
LeoPictureLink to LeoPicture.
Digital photo images editor.
General features: Open and save image files in most used formats. Enhance, correct colors, paint in, zoom and deform image. Select and modify part of image. Copy/paste image or selected area. Print and print preview images. Use as chroma-meter for quality control and learn physics of color.
Link to LeoMonteCrystal.

A numerical scientific and educational software simulator of the surface reaction during crystal growth. Artistic visualization in real time of the process including an option of stereo presentation. Illustrative tool for teaching students a concept of transformation of two dimensional nuclei mechanism of layer by layer growth into continuous one with decreasing of surface energy.
Link to LeoFetch.
The scientific and educational software application for the robotic internet search and download files. It can use any internet page as a starting point and find all links that it contains.
Link to LeoNetCDF.
Scientific and educational software application for the reading, altering and saving NetCDF format files.
NetCDF is common used multiplatform binary file format for presentation and sharing experimental data.
Link to LeoCalculator page.
LeoCalculator is an application for performing calculation of mathematical expressions these could include not only basic operations but also functions and brackets. LeoCalculator also permits to use of predefined variables.
Copyrighted materials presented in LeoKrut like original pictures, videos or articles can be subject of negotiation for copyright transferring limited or complete.
In some cases important know-how part of materials are left outside of free public access and can be bought separately for private use or with full transfer of intellectual property rights.
Link to LeoConfidential page.
LeoConfidential performs encryption-decryption of text in Unicode encoding that means it work for most languages on the planet earth. The algorithm of encoding is our state of art propitiatory development. The general principal of algorithm is to randomly melt needle of the message into random haystack of numbers.

Data analysis.

Data analysis is the bridge from observation to conclusion. It is the process of making sense of reality as one becomes aware of it. In life a subject always perceive signals via his detectors like eyes, ears, skin, nose and tongue. A brain of human being continuously analyzes enormous flow of data in routine subconscious manner when only very small portion is on the level that can be verbally described and formally mathematically processed at the modern level of science.
The area of science called artificial intellect, AI, is doing enormous progress in modeling behavior of alive being that is manifesting itself in technological achievements like in self-driving cars, automatic voice callers, personalized web-advertisement, automatic diagnose system such as IBM Watson and robots of all kind. The advanced data analysis is integral part of AI.
Data analysis uses to solve life problems these could be formulated in terms of mathematics. The same is more and more applicable now to the science in general that has experienced evolution from collection and classification of anecdote like observations to mathematically formulated fundamental laws of nature.
Without pretending to cover all areas of data analysis even on its most basic there will be articles describing some problems in life that can be solved by methods of data analysis and shown how to do it with the held of LeoDataAnalysis.

Crystal growth.

A crystallization phenomena manifests itself in a long list of natural and technological processes. Crystals are solid materials with atoms located in regular position defined by long distance symmetry. The structure of crystals gives each of them special and often unique properties essential for material culture of civilization. The rate of transformation of atomic structure motive of matter from liquid or gas state into crystals plays important role in series of industrial productions of variety construction and other industrial materials as well for research of earth minerals formation in geology and in space bodies in cosmology.

There is expanding industry for production of bulk single crystals for subsequent usage in electronics or for gems in jewelry. An optimization of the technology presumes increasing productivity that is equivalent in this case to finding a maximum rate of crystal growth securing in the same time a quality of the crystal that means keeping concentration of defects on atomic and higher scales on acceptable level. In ranking by influence on the product output the kinetics of crystal growth stays comparable very close here to the thermo- and mass- transportation phenomena.

The knowledge of how much lower temperature on the border of the crystal could be set during its growth without deviating from layer-by-layer mechanism of growth that provides the best possible quality of the crystal. For mass produced construction materials like metals and alloys, fine ceramic, Portland and high-alumina cements and for many other materials in industry the crystalline content of the product is strongly depend on time-temperature conditions of treatment of the raw mixture materials. Taking into account that different crystalline phases can have mismatched rates of their spreading out (crystal growth rates could be and mostly are different for them at the same temperature), the knowledge how atomic structure of crystals influences kinetic of crystallization could help in choosing strategy for experiment planning in development of the best quality products. There is necessity to avoid crystals formation during  production of materials with amorphous atomic structures like commonly used glasses or more exotic materials like fast frozen amorphous metals.

The knowledge of growth rate of crystals in initial melts as a function of temperature can provide guideline to defining minimum cooling rate that is nevertheless fast enough to avoid formation of the crystals in glass forming melts. Formation of thin films on monocrystal substrates in vacuum by physical or vapor deposition demands knowing the rate of crystal growth at given temperature. To obtain crystalline film the velocity of material deposition should be at least slower compare to the crystal growth rate. A petrography analysis of samples in geology or found in meteorite rocks permits to obtain their crystalline content. Additional information about relative growth rate of these different crystalline phases helps to deceiver a history of physical conditions of their places of origin.


The cataloged and browsable collection of articles, essays, intellectual property products, travel reports and other materials of such nature are collected under one roof.

Reader are encouraged to discuss content of the materials leaving comments to published pages.

Recent articles:

A common-sense recreation of Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba.
A common-sense recreation of Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba was made after visiting the island with Cruise in Jan. 2022. How it could be.
Tsarskoye Selo, Park and Palace
Images of Tsarskoye Selo that was main out-of-town residence of the Russian Imperial family and now the museum and park complex in the Pushkin Town.
Sunset along Massachusetts Avenue.
Sunset along Massachusetts Avenue.
Pyramid fountain in Peterhof, Russia.
Pyramid fountain in Peterhof, Russia.
Isaak Cathedral and Admiralty in Saint Petersburg.
Isaak Cathedral and Admiralty in Saint Petersburg.
Palace square in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Palace square in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Rainbow at Peterhof fountain.
Rainbow at Peterhof fountain.
Fungus shape fountain.
Fungus shape fountain.
Canals of Amsterdam.
Canals of Amsterdam.
Christmas Eve night 2019 in Amsterdam.
Christmas Eve night 2019 in Amsterdam.

Recent comments:

to Zaman nedir? by Salih Kırcalar at Feb 8, 2025, 06:27 (EST):
a purely physical event. I think it would be very useful for psychology experts to evaluate the ´Timeflow´ Formula and the philosophical interpretation of the formula.

´Time Flow´ Formula Makes Time 3D. Time is the dimension of length.
´Time Flow´ is the dimension of width and depth. Space is also 3-dimensional. Space-Time is 6 dimensional.

Note: You can find my original articles at https://www.galilean-electrodynamics.com
to Zaman nedir? by Salih Kırcalar at Feb 8, 2025, 06:16 (EST):
Timeflow Formula (A New Phyiscs Formula)
Could you please evaluate my thoughts on the concept of time?

Quantum mechanics is a concrete result of the General Theory of Relativity. According to the General Theory of Relativity, a clock on Jupiter lags behind a clock on Earth. A clock on earth lags behind a clock on the moon. they ended the theory here. However, I continue the theory with the result I deduced from the Time Flow Formula. One hour on the moon lags behind a clock on the alpha ray. A clock in the Alpha beam lags behind a clock in the Beta beam. a clock in beta ray lags behind a clock in x ray. Concrete results of the General Theory of Relativity begin to be seen as masses and energies get smaller. These are the same theory. Large masses have a very long life. Small masses have very short lifetimes. As the lifetimes get shorter, transformations from mass to energy and from energy to mass begin. In summary Quantum mechanics is a concrete result of the General Theory of Relativity.

This is a result from the Timeflow Formula. (Timeflow=Time/Energy).
Every simple physics formula explains a law of nature. In the Timeflow Formula; It tells that a time equal to the amount of energy will be released in a physical process. You can find more information on my website. (timeflow.org).

In addition,The flow of the thought energy intensity in our brain is body pain, unhappiness and boredom, joy, happiness and love, sleep, and finally death, respectively, from high energy to low energy. At the moment to sleep, if we had a good sleep, our thought energy is very close to zero or zero. When the energy flow intensity increases in our brain, according to the ´Timeflow Formula (Timeflow=Time/Energy). The timeflow will slow down. As the energy density (power) decreases, the timeflow will accelerate. In the case of sleep and death, the timeflow will be infinite. The timeflow formula explains very clearly and simply that this situation, which is perceived as psychological time is actually
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to Best keeping secret about online business is that it is waste of time and money. by geeky-chad at Aug 29, 2024, 03:59 (EST):
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Finding massage center in Philadelphia can be so tough. One of my friends recommended me bedpage.com to find great Spa and wellness center in Philadelphia. My experience was great that’s why I always recommend bedpage for Backpage Philadelphia massage parlor also, for getting more information you can visit: https://www.bedpage.com/backpage-philadelphia/spa-and-massage

to What Solar Powered Tables Will Wirelessly Charge up?...Your Units! by bedpage at Jul 24, 2018, 08:24 (EST):
In the age of endless stress and routine workloads, humans have slowly embraced the idea that self-relaxation and pampering have become necessities rather than luxuries. Combining the health benefits of hydrotherapy and thermal therapy used in ancient Rome; and the healthy body massage therapy from eastern culture, modern man has re-invented the “SPA” as an important place of physical and mental healing within the bounds of the metropolis.
There are several type spa & massage treatment it’s very important to find which kind spa or massage your body need.
Swedish massage Therapy- The standard type of massage offered in most clinics, gyms, Spa and wellness center in Philadelphia, Swedish massage is virtually synonymous with massage therapy. Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, compared to the energy-centric style more common in Asian forms of massage.
Aromatherapy Massage-An aromatherapy massage is a Swedish massage with scented plant oils (known as essential oils) added to the massage oil.
Hot Stone Massage-As the name implies, hot stone massage uses warm stones. The therapist places heated, smooth stones on specific points on the body and also holds the warm stones while giving the massage.
Deep Tissue Massage-Deep tissue massage is a focused, therapeutic massage that targets muscle knots (also known as "adhesions") and specific problem areas in the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.
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Download links:

Software products:
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LeoDataAnalysis LeoDataAnalysis.msi free
LeoMonteCrystal LeoMonteCrystal.msi free
LeoNetCDF LeoNetCDF.msi. free
LeoFetch LeoFetch.msi. free
LeoCalculator LeoCalculator.msi. free
LeoPicture LeoPicture.msi. free
LeoConfidential LeoConfidential.msi. free

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