Area selection in image.
One of the main operation of image handling is a selection of the area(s)
belonged to the object to perform modifications in.
Leo Picture software application offers following opportunities
to select objects in digital photo image.
All digital photo image selection operations
can de performed only with the active "Selection" tab in controls
panel of the software application.
Just click in the object of digital photo area you want to select
and software will mark out area around this point characterized
by color, brightness in the deviations in given range from initial
point. Borders of selected area will be marked with the red by default color.
If Ctrl key will be pressed previously selected areas
will remain selected and new one will be merged to them. The
Alt key will create opposite effect to extract newly selected
area from previous area.
This operation principally can not produce 100% satisfactory
results for any particular case.
The image recognition is part of artificial intellect problem
and not yet solved for general case. LeoPicture software application
permits to vary a selection criteria to get object in digital
photo by brightness and color changes so as giving different
weights to the deviation from initial point and from neighbor point (Local
LeoPicture software application concept is to supply helpful
tools to user to do selection and final judgment of success.
As a rule if human eye can recognize area as obviously separated
from its environment the result of implemented algorithm will
be successful from very first attempt. Following are recommendations
to reach satisfactory results in most troubling cases in order
increasing of the difficulty:
Click in most character (average like) point in area. Do repeat
it several times until success.
Vary selection criteria (color and brightness) until selection
of object in digital photo will be as wish. During variation
of selection results will be reflected to the last position of the initial
point will be constant.
Set the criteria quite strictly that way to get about 10 - 25% area by one
click and repeat clicking in area with Ctrl key down adding
new areas to previously selected until all targeted area will be selected.
If plus to intended selection an well isolated area´s will
be also taken manually remove them with Alt key down.
Rectangle, Ellipse and Pen
Push down one of the buttons "Rectangle", "Ellipse" or "Pen" and select area of
corresponding shape in the picture. Effects of
Ctrl and
Alt keys will be as described above.
With this option a very sophisticated borders can be created.
To return to the auto-selection mode all buttons "Rectangle",
"Ellipse" and "Pen" buttons must be not active.
Show selection
Permits to choose to highlight or not border sof selected areas.
The option not to show selection could be valuable after the selection
will be done not to distract attention from whole picture when
modifications are making.
Include islands There is
an option to incorporate internal spots (islands) into selected area or not.
Fill gaps
There are option to merge selection areas if its borders are
closer then a given value.
Expand selection
Click on the "Expand" link will enlarge selected area by one
pixel in all directions.
Shrink selection
Click on the "Shrink" link will diminish selected area by one
pixel in all directions.
Invert selection
Click on the "Invert" link will invert election areas in picture.
Select all
Button "Select all" provides an opportunity to select whole picture.
Get selection as whole image
will create new image on the base of selection and add it as one of the
cadres in LeoPicture software application. The size of selected
image in digital photo will be exact to fit all selected images
and not selected areas will have white color.
Change color of borders selected area(s)
Click on the link will evoke a color dialog to chose new color
to highlight borders of selected area.