Election 2016
Here are articles related to election cycle at 2017. Mostly to
presidential election.
What it was with Trump victory? Salute to you Donald!
Trump wins Presidential election against all odds. What it means? What wait us ahead?
Trump versus Spectre.
The James Bond movie Spectre is used to highlight events of Trump presidential campaign of 2016.
Trump in Politland.
As Alice in Wonderland Trump exposes madness of political process in Washington
I am Russian, you are racists.
Russian probe is pure racism. Civil right movement in America shame itself by silence not defending Russian-Americans who suffered painful attack on their identity with manufactured so named Russian Investigation.
CNN – Clinton Notorious Network of disgusting voice of corruption.
Reflection at one-sided cover of presidential complain of 2016 by CNN.
Nonsensical rant of Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.
Hillary Clinton enters to President campaign with stupid nonsensical speech commented paragraph by paragraph.
Clinton’s campaign slogan – stronger together is shy translation of fascist strength through unity.
Clinton is fascist. Her campaign slogan is fascist. Liberals are racists and media are paid servants for them.