Main beach at Walden Pond, Concord Massachusetts.
by Leonid Sakharov
Walden Pond is arguably the very best place for water swim lovers.
Water is clean as could be. The beaches are never too crowded because
limitations of parking lot and difficulties to come there otherwise
than car. We ride there 15 miles one direction for one and half hours.
It is manageable and even fun but even for bike and pedestrians
the car lot close time is enforced, no walk in. It is unreasonable
to my mind, sort of cruel.
But this nuisance is compensated a lot by quality of the rest
at beach. And you can learn now time of reopening at twitter not to waste time.
The facility house at main beach of Walden Pond.
Info desk at main beach of Walden Pond. Kids classes, lectures,
other activities and info about ticks are there.
Lifeguards gather at from facility house at main beach of Walden Pond.
There are second beach nearby with main entrance at Walden Pond.
The view of lifeguard tower at second beach.
When water level deceased at Walden Pond any place at its shore can be beach.
In spite popularity beach at Walden Pond is not always crowded.
Sometimes it is due weather, sometimes because it can be closed
before and people left but reopening is still ahead.
The water level at Walden Pond varies years to years usually
with decade periodicity following Sun activity cycle. This shot
was at maximum water capacity time.
The main beach can be completely covered by water at some years.
The view of Walden Pond from stair at main facility.
The view of main beach from boat launching area.
The view at Walden Pond when it is full of water.
Lifeguards and other Department of Conservation and Recreation
people office here.
People can wait before beach will reopen due to full of parking
lot. One hour of relaxation more or two less. Convenience of
public servants is priority.
Aug. 9, 2018; 17:30 EST