LeoCalculator is freeware software product. The LeoCalculator is offerd to install "as is". User agrees that developers of the product make their best efforts to provide software application with advertised features. Any case of malfunction, underperforming or erroneous behavior by the product is unintentional. User forfeits any legal action against developers and distributors of the product. |
Step by step instruction to install LeoCalculator:
1. Download msi file: Download LeoCalculator.msi your computer and run it.Depend on setting of your Windows Operating System it is possible to get warning from your UAC (User Account Control) or other guardian application about running program from "unknown publisher" or other warning of the same sort. Do confirm your intention to run our application.
2. Follow instructions at installation and setup the program.
Relevant Q&A:
What if products of LeoKrut are not working at your computer properly?
There could be variety of reasons. We are working hard to ensure best possible performance.
One of the possible situations could relate to the UAC (User Account Control) and other security services of Windows Operating System at your computer.
The first step to troubleshoot malfunction of our software products is to check that files in the product location have all necessary permissions: open program location, select it, click right button of the mouse and select "Properties" at the pop-up menu. At the property dialog check and make sure that application has all available permissions. "Run as administrator" option could be necessary in some settings.
At freeware status one of the limitations could be displaying pages from internet. If no Internet connection the LeoCalculator will close itself.
If nothing is working do contact your Windows Operating System vendor...
What kind of User Account Control interruptions are most troubling?
At Windows 10 there is sometime an appearance of dark blue windows like this:
with strong warning about running unrecognized app (as if Microsoft has legal authorities to monitor and certify all new software applications). Most troubling aspect of this is absence of direct way to proceed... User must at first to click at "More info" link to reach other dialog box:
with button "Run anyway" that will resolve the issue.
What exact means freeware?
Freeware means that the product can be used for free until we decide to change this status.